

Gets a list of rundown layouts

Example request

Example response

        "LayoutID": 1,
        "Name": "Default Layout",
        "Type": "Group",
        "Columns": "StorySlug,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,EstimatedDuration,ActualDuration,FrontTime,BackTime",
        "Sizes": "220,50,50,63,50,54,50,132,50,30,50,61,59,90,90"

Required parameters


Optional parameters

LayoutID integer if set, only the layout with the LayoutID specified will be returned
Name string if set, only layouts with the Name specified will be returned
Type string if set to Group, only group layouts will be returned. If set to Personal, only your own personal layouts will be returned. If not set, both group and personal layouts will be returned
GetTimestamps boolean if set to true, the dates/times that the layout was created and last modified will be included in the response returned in the DateCreated and DateModified fields. If set to false, they will not. Defaults to false
OrderBy string if set, the results in the response returned will be ordered by the field specified. Possible values include LayoutID and Name. Defaults to LayoutID
Descending boolean if set to true, the results in the response returned will be sorted in descending order. Defaults to false


LayoutID integer the layout's unique ID
DateCreated integer the date/time that the layout was created. Only returned if GetTimestamps is set to true
DateModified integer the date/time that the layout was last modified. Only returned if GetTimestamps is set to true
Name string the layout's name
Type string Group if the layout is a group layout, Personal if it's a personal layout
Columns string a comma-delimited list of columns, in the order in which they appear in the layout. Possible values include ColumnID's, or keywords for special columns like StorySlug, EstimatedDuration, ActualDuration, FrontTime, BackTime, or Objects
Sizes string a comma-delimited list of widths (in pixels) for the columns in Columns