?APIKey=edharken &APIToken=HNe2ADG0nBTiC8Q8WiVfsxeG5ip51A &Action=getRundowns
[ { "RundownID": 1, "Title": "Morning News Update", "FolderID": 1, "DefaultLayoutID": -1, "Start": 1332604500, "End": 1332604620, "TotalRunningTime": 105, "OnAirTimer_Active": 0, "OnAirTimer_RowID": -1, "OnAirTimer_Date": -1, "Frozen": 0, "Locked": 0, "Archived": 0, "Template": 0, "Deleted": 0 }, { "RundownID": 2, "Title": "Sports Sunday with Champ Kind", "FolderID": 2, "DefaultLayoutID": 2, "Start": 1332742800, "End": 1332743700, "TotalRunningTime": 0, "OnAirTimer_Active": 1, "OnAirTimer_RowID": 59, "OnAirTimer_Date": 1332742845, "Frozen": 0, "Locked": 0, "Archived": 0, "Template": 0, "Deleted": 0 } ]
Folders |
getFolders | Gets a list of rundown folders |
createFolder | Creates a new rundown folder |
renameFolder | Renames a rundown folder |
deleteFolder | Permanently deletes a rundown folder and all of the rundowns in it |
Rundowns |
getRundowns | Gets a list of rundowns |
createRundown | Creates a new rundown |
setRundownProperties | Sets one or more properties of a rundown |
copyRundown | Copies a rundown |
deleteRundown | Puts a rundown in the trash |
Rows |
getRows | Gets a list of rows in a rundown, or a specific row |
insertRow | Inserts a new row before or after a row in a rundown |
setRowProperties | Changes one or more properties of a row |
duplicateRow | Duplicates a row |
deleteRow | Removes a row from the rundown it's in and puts it in the trash |
reorderRows | Reorders rows in a rundown |
startTimingRow | Moves the on-air timer to the row specified and starts timing it |
Scripts |
getScript | Gets the latest version of a script, or a specific version of a script |
saveScript | Saves a new version of a script |
Objects |
getObjects | Gets a list of objects |
setObjectStatus | Sets the status of an object |
Chat |
getChatMessages | Gets a list of chat messages |
sendChatMessage | Sends a chat message |
Following |
amFollowing | Checks whether you're following a row's script |
followScript | Follows a row's script |
unfollowScript | Unfollows a row's script |
Columns |
getColumns | Gets a list of user-customizable rundown columns |
createColumn | Creates a new rundown column |
renameColumn | Renames a rundown column |
deleteColumn | Permanently deletes a rundown column and all of the content in it |
Layouts |
getLayouts | Gets a list of rundown layouts |
createLayout | Creates a new rundown layout |
setLayoutProperties | Sets one or more properties of a rundown layout |
deleteLayout | Permanently deletes a rundown layout |
User management |
getUsers | Gets a list of users |
createUser | Creates a new user |
setUserProperties | Sets one or more properties of a user |
deleteUser | Permanently deletes a user |
Script templates |
getScriptTemplates | Gets a list of script templates |
createScriptTemplate | Creates a new script template |
setScriptTemplateProperties | Sets one or more properties of a script template |
deleteScriptTemplate | Permanently deletes a script template |
Search |
search | Searches scripts for keywords |
Trash can |
getDeletedStuff | Gets a list of rundowns and rows in the trash |
restore | Restores a rundown or row that's in the trash |
permanentlyDelete | Permanently deletes a rundown or row that's in the trash |
emptyTrash | Permanently deletes all rundowns and rows in the trash |
Misc |
getCurrentServerDateTime | Gets the current date/time from the server |